Caspar David Friedrich Lectures
The Caspar David Friedrich Lectures at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald started in winter term of 2005/2006. Since then they have attracted many renowned experts doing research on Caspar David Friedrich and Romanticism, just to name Prof. Dr. Cordula Grewe (New York), Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann (Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Helmut Börsch-Supan (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Johannes Grave (Bielefeld), Dr. Christina Grummt (Basel), and Prof. Dr. Werner Busch (Berlin). Since winter term 2013/2014 however the lectures have been dedicated to a specific topic, which connects the fields of art history, art philosophy, aesthetics, art theory and fine arts across different eras and disciplines. However, Romanticism and Caspar David Friedrich remain at the heart of the lecture series.
Many of the Caspar David Friedrich Lectures are connected to the university’s curriculum, which is why also many students attend the lectures. The lectures are organised in cooperation with the Caspar David Friedrich Institute at Greifswald University and the Caspar David Friedrich Society.
In addition to the Caspar David Friedrich Lectures, the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg has been supporting conferences and talks on the topic of Romanticism and the works of Caspar David Friedrich for many years. These events typically focus on aesthetic and art historical aspects of Romanticism, but also examine historical, theological and literary aspects.